I would first like to apologize for the absence of blog since Sept. As each week passes by, more and more of the curriculum becomes mine to take over. My used to be blog time soon became taken over with lesson plans, bulletin board making, and coping. I think it is safe to say that the night janitor and I are becoming quick friends. I haven't spent so many nights in a row staying late ( ranging from leaving at 5 to 6:30 begin the latest). This time was filled with coping for the week, creating smart board lessons, and just getting caught up in the classroom with grading and the such. I also created another bulletin board and its called " 'Fall'ing in love with B-2 " There are two trees each with branches laden with yellow, orange, and red leaves. Soon I will post students' work on their favorite things about fall with a leaf stapled to it on the bulletin board.
As an update, today was my first full day of take over. I am trying not to panic as the students are in my control from morning to dismissal! We started units on bats and squirrels this week and our spelling words consist of the -ot family. And yes there is a k in the word for knot, its just silenced, and no it is not pronounced kuh-not. :) I think that was my favorite pronunciation of it today. Next week, we are learning about spiders, and the week after is pumpkins!!! It is so hard to believe that I have simply a matter of weeks left before I am done. One month from now I will have 1 week left. On this Friday I get my results from the APT! I am hope I passed. There is just so much that is happening. Oh and I found out today that cap and gowns go on sale Oct. 17 for graduation so guess who will be buying hers in the beginning of November? That's right, it will be me! I'm graduating!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Maybe I am too excited for that day to come. :)
The story I have for is something that happened today. I was in the midst of finishing of writing (Weekend News) and getting ready to start the Bat unit when the district curriculum superintendent walked in and sat down. Panic on the inside, yes! Calm face on the outside? Absolutely. I realized that there was nothing I could do about it so I might as well do the best of my abilities. I couldn't very well ask him to leave now could I? He ended up observing for a good 15 minutes. He let my mentor teacher know that she needed to call him so they could talk about me. I don't know if its a good sign or a bad sign, but I am going to take it for what it is and maybe he will provide me with some great constructive criticism. For right now, I am just trying to stay positive about the situation. For instance, I am glad that he surprise visited me so I didn't have time to panic or get nervous about his arrival like I would have done otherwise if I had known he was coming.
Well until next time, ( I mean to write more frequently) cherish those million dollar rewards. You know you are doing a good job when the students are excited to come back tomorrow and they have to give you one last hug before they go home for the night. It's totally worth all the prep time. Love life to its fullest even though some days may seem like they are too 'full' of things to do.
Miss Higgins
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